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There are countless benefits for companies to implement electronic signatures including the time and cost savings. With the popularity of electronic signatures worldwide, many countries have given priority to enact e-signature legislation. Below we’ve listed the different laws that are currently in place:
United States: Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act

Canada: Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

Australia: Electronic Transactions Act 1999

European Union: European Directive 199/93/EC

United Kingdom: Electronic Communications Act 2000, Electronic Signatures Regulation 2002

India: Information Technology Act 2000

Japan: Law Concerning Electronic Signatures and Certification Services

China: Electronic Signature Law of the People’s Republic of China

New Zealand: Electronic Transactions Act

United Nations: UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures
About iSign
iSign enables digitally capture signatures from any mobile device loaded with a Java-enabled Web browser and apply these electronic signatures to any business documents. Addditionally users can digitally load these signed documents into any third Document Management System or a document storage and retrieval product.
Learn more about our electronic signature solution, iSign.  Contact inFORM Decisions for more information, at 800-858-5544.

Other keywords: AS 400 document management
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