To archive files as records, most companies choose PDFs. Here are some tips on how to optimize your PDFs with metadata:
You ensure that your document capture software (iCapture) supports a long-term archive standard for image files called PDF /A. It makes sure the the long-term viability of file.
You ensure that you populate standard PDF headers including author, subject, keywords and title with metadata. This can speed up searching and indexing. Also, it ensures that critical information is securely recorded.
You always use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert the image in the PDF into searchable text.
iCapture is a document capture solution allows to convert invoices, contracts, mail and other paper-based documents into searchable PDFs and route them effortlessly into your organization. You can read more about iCapture in the article:
Other keywords: invoice automation benefits, as400 to excel
Other keywords: invoice automation benefits, as400 to excel