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Business Process Management (or BPM) is moving more and more into the forefront of workflow nowadays. This isn't much of a surprise, considering BPMs are great for automation and process optimization.

So how do you make your BPM initiative a success?
Several key success factors:
  • Begin with well-defined objectives
  • Plan, implement and execute with your BPM vendor
  • Assess the results at every stage
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Choose experienced and responsible people
  • Limit additional investments by using current resources and infrastructure
  • Have a monthly plan
  • In terms of the overall project, save early and save often
You could also add iWorkflow to this list.
iWorkflow, a powerful solution from inFORM Decisions, can eliminate your existing paper-based, inefficient business process. It has the ability to take any business process and create a digital copy. Streamlining software like this can reduce the risk of human error or loss of data.

Contact inFORM Decisions for more information, at 800-858-5544.

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