With the latest IBM i OS V7R3,
IBM continues to open up the path to using Open Source with the IBM i. What does this mean to IBM i developers? It means that with 7.3, the ability to not
only continue to stay on the platform is realized, but the opportunity for
continual and uninterrupted growth as well as keeping the platform relevant is
Modern RPG: no longer will RPG
have an 80 column restriction, thus opening and leveraging fully free format
RPG. Furthermore, when combined with
storing source in the IFS, you have the opportunity to use a number of source
tools directly.
PHP: with 7.3, IBM is shipping an updated version
of PHP plus IBM supports the latest versions of PHP out of the box.
GIT: with 7.3, you get GIT runtime on the IBM i
-another option for open source.
Leverage GIT to control your RPG projects.
Tools: with 7.3, there are basic
tools that every developer needs, starting with .zip and .unzip by simply
putting on the PTF.
And Much More...
With V7R3, IBM i continues to transform itself, by re-inventing pieces
to insure that our platform can be successful today and into the future.
inFORM Decisions has been an IBM i
(iSeries, AS/400, i5, Power Systems) native, Document Management and Workflow
software development company since 1994.
Our business partners and customers are worldwide and lend testimony to
the state of the art, stability of IFD solutions.