Does scanning need additional software?
The answer is no. A basic scanner allows you to create an image just by pressing the green button. However, using advanced capture software like iCapture enables to name an image, put it in a folder and search it whenever you need.
While scanning, can I send my documents into my document management system?
Yes. With iCapture, you can store data and/or the content anywhere you want because of supporting than 60 enterprise document management and content management systems including Microsoft SharePoint.
What type of information can be extracted from documents during the scanning process?
In fact, scanning/capture solution enables to auto-extract information from documents based on a pattern or location. A solution like iCapture can convert print to extractable and searchable text for later referencing by using OCR.
What does choosing the right scanner for scanning depend?
Choosing the right scanners for scanning depends two main factors. There are your business environment and the type of scanning. If you have the right scanner, then you need the right scanning solution. A good example is iCapture because it can work with any desktop scanner.
Want more information on using iCapture? Visit or contact inFORM Decisions at 800.858.5544.