Learn how iSeries document scanning, capture, distribution and workflow can save money, increase document security, and improve organization efficiency. Learn more at www.informdecisions.com
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 The IBM i

The IBM i users are loyal and outspoken group. And it’s no wonder. Occasionally, you discover a product that has you wondering if you’ve stepped into some kind of alternative universe. The very first product that gave me this impression was the ‘63 Corvette Stingray. Close second was the old AS400 from IBM. It was kind of like if you took an M1 Abrams tank and created a server with similar survivability. The stories of these things were legendary.

• One system was on the top floor of a building literally flattened by a tornado. After falling 4 stories, being buried by rubble and rained on, they only needed to dry it out to bring it back on line.
• Another system ran for a whopping 18 years without anyone patching, updating or even backing it up with no issues.
• Yet another was accidently walled up yet remained in service for years until someone tracing down the power and network wiring opened a wall to see what the wiring went to and found a shrouded AS400.

Who’s using the IBM i?

The IBM i software platform evolved out of this legendary AS400 and it is even more amazing. Whereas the AS400 was successful in manufacturing and distribution, the IBM i has moved into construction, banking and finance, health care, hospitality, and retail. Much of Las Vegas runs on the platform. It’s a software platform that scales from a small mom & pop shop up to a mission critical system for a multi-national companies. It’s virtually immune to the vast majority of malware, ransomware and Trojans. The IBM i is far more robust and vastly more resistant to outside or inside attack. It runs both on premise on IBM Power, ranging from IBM’s smallest to largest servers, and in the cloud, which, surprisingly isn’t how the small customers we’ve dealt with are running it; those firms are buying IBM Power9 servers, which also tend to be more robust and less vulnerable than their Intel based alternatives.

Leaving the platform?

The IBM i is the closest thing to a software platform superhero that I’ve yet seen and likely the safest and most powerful server platform available. Yet, as new generations enter the IT world, many have diverse backgrounds that lack specific knowledge of the ‘i’. Likely the best server platform they’ve never heard of. As the pool of RPG developers dwindles, many feel the pressure to leave this secure environment for Cloud based solutions.

Is the Cloud in your future?

In response, IBM has recently introduced new end-to-end solutions that better connect the IBM i to the cloud. One of the key growth areas for the platform is when it’s used by software providers to provide Software as a Service, or Cloud-based solution. Additionally IBM and its many partners are finding new ways to provide value to their clients by providing cloud services, whether it’s backup in a cloud or fully hosting customers. IBM is dedicated to making the combination of IBM i and Power Systems as good in that cloud environment as they have always been if you physically have the box on site.

The 'i' stands for integrated

As the platform continues to evolve, becoming increasingly robust, embracing modern technologies, and giving many of the world’s top organizations a competitive edge, so do IBM partners, like inFORM Decisions. They complete the platform by providing integrated software designed to function as a packaged whole. inFORM Decisions has software to digitize, manage and distribute spool and database files. From complex spool file bursting and distribution requirements, electronic document automation to workflow, we have the products that you might need, as well as the IBM i, iSeries, AS400, Power Systems experts to help with the installation and development.

Unleash your systems power

inFORM Decisions has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i – AS/400 arena since 1994. We believe that the IBM I / Power Systems will be relevant for a long time offering the stability and security that you’ve come to expect from IBM. inFORM Decisions experts can show you how to unleash your systems power and recoup countless hours of productivity! inFORM Decisions is committed to the IBM i platform forever!

Additional reading:
Improve your AP Process
iPDF from inFORM Decisions is now even more powerful

Helpful Videos:
Videos & Webinars

Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of IBM i products.

For over 60 years Abe Vigoda was a constant victim of celebrity death hoaxes. On a 1997 David Letterman skit, Abe declared, "I'm not dead yet, you pinhead!” Similarly, the venerable IBM I Series has long been rumored to have prematurely met its demise. The truth is, there is a bright future ahead for the IBM i. Read Does IBM i Have A Future? You Bet! – Part 3 by Bob Losey | Aug 8, 2017 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-ibm-i-have-future-you-bet-part-3-bob-losey

A very large national retailer has recently scrapped plans to proceed with a ‘cloud based’ system conversion after it crashed after just implementing a few of its branches. They’re going back to their IBM i platform and have rediscovered what most of the gaming based business have already known. Casinos have long embraced the IBM i as one of the most reliable, secure and trusted platforms in the industry. It is a workhorse that just keeps on evolving to meet current business needs. Rather than adding security levels, security is in the IBM i’s base architecture. 

IBM has made it easier than ever to develop solutions on IBM i by making the most popular native language (RPG) capable of using some of the newest technologies (services, XML, etc.), They have also added new languages and improved the strategic development tools both in function as well as in platforms supported. 

In association with committed software partners such as inFORM Decisions, which has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i - iSeries - AS/400 arena since 1994, we believe it is clear that the IBM i systems will be relevant for a long time offering the stability and security that you’ve come to expect from IBM i. inFORM Decisions is committed to the IBM i iSeries AS/400 platform forever!

inFORM Decisions has been an IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) native, Document Management and Workflow software development company since 1994. Our business partners and customers are worldwide and lend testimony to the state of the art, stability of IFD solutions.

Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of IBM i products.

In spite of many technological advances such as the internet, scanners, e-books and digital cameras, paper documents still play an indispensable role in the modern office.  It has been predicted that by 2020 the global paper consumption will reach 500 million tons per year.  A half of this volume is consumed in Europe and North America alone.  Some paper statistics that provide a deeper insight into this problem:

·       The average office worker continues to use a staggering 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year.
·       In the U.S., companies spend more than $120 billion a year on printed forms, most of which outdate themselves within three months’ time.
·       A typical employee spends 30-40% of his time looking for information locked in email and filing cabinets – filing costs average about $20 per month.
·       Each misfiled document costs $125. Each lost document cost $350 to $700 – large organizations lose a document every 12 seconds.

While the technology for going paperless is readily available, the rate of adoption for these tools and this system is quite low. Software plays an important role in a paperless office.  Software programs manage the huge quantity of digital files that an office can produce during the transition to paperless.  Some of the different types of document management tools available from inFORM Decisions that can be utilized to eliminate paper processes are as follows:

Spool files to Digital forms
System i and Power Systems NATIVE PCL to PDF converter for Spool Files.  iPDF converts standard HP Laserjet output (Printer Control Language) into the popular Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format). IBM native conversion eliminates the need to download to a PC (or secondary server) to process PDF files, thus improving security and speed of PDF document conversion. Much more than a simple conversion tool, iPDF enables report distribution, PDF document archival and retrieval, bursting, sorting and outputting PDF reports and custom business forms in the open PDF standard where they can be easily viewed using the free Acrobat Reader.

Email has had the biggest impact, allowing communications to become electronic with the ability to attach digital documents. Our iMail product is an example. This is very suitable for lmost business correspondence with the ability to  format spool file reports into popular formats like Excel, color PDF, HTML, ZIP, RTF and moreiMail provides much more than simple email delivery. From your AS/400, iSeries, IBM i, and Power Server, you can send messages, business documents and spool file reports in easily readable formats. iMail enables organizations to upgrade to a paperless environment, saving time and money due to more efficient document management and distribution.

Sharing business documents such as sales or supplier contracts that require controlled access on an ad-hoc basis can be accomplished by use of versatile tools like iWorkflow  which provides the ability to take any business process, and create a digital copy.  A digital workflow allows you to streamline business processes and route documents throughout the organization.  Managers now have a looking glass into any process, and readily accessible reporting and metrics. Workflow business apps help you streamline your business processes — expense claims, customer onboarding, travel requests or any other organizational business workflow. Using workflow, data, forms and report  are connected to the authorized parties providing efficiency and productivity.

Document Capture and Scanning
Scanners are one of the most essential tools for a paperless office. They can convert paper documents into digital files, which are then ready for mass distribution over an email system rather than through paper memos. Large-format scanners can convert blueprints, contracts and other large documents into digital files. In addition, high-speed scanners can quickly scan multipage documents, or even books, eliminating the need to store the paper copies.

 With an array of scanning devices, capture needs and backend content management systems, it is ineffective to settle for multiple applications to accomplish one goal. iCapture  provides a single capture platform that can meet all the needs of an organization: document scanning and import, forms processing, data capture, OCR/ICR, data extraction and the ability to migrate the information into a backend. The iCapture  advanced capture system enhances the capabilities of any scanning device, providing a powerful onramp to any Enterprise Content Management (ECM) or Document Management Systems (DMS).

Mobile Signature Capture
With iSign  documents are efficiently captured, stored, secured and backed up with peace of mind that they can’t be damaged or accessed by flood, fire or bad guys with bad intentions.  Documents can be easily retrieved or routed through a web browser, from any location at any time.

Document Storage & Retrieval
iView  is the Web-based Content Management Solution for the iSeries, System i and Power Systems  native document archive – retrieval solution performing content management functions to enable the capture, storage, indexing and retrieval of spool files, merged documents and scanned forms so they are accessible via a web browser by anyone, anywhere, anytime.  iCapture extends iView’s capture, indexing and storage capabilities to hard copy documents for a complete browser-accessible repository.

Since 1994, inFORM Decisions has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i - iSeries - AS/400 arena. We are committed to the IBM i iSeries AS/400 platform forever!

Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed suite of products and see how we can help you reduce paper, increase productivity and lower your costs.

A brief overview of DMS.

DMS is simply defined as the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information captured through the use of a scanner. Its integral devices can be listed as:
•       The input point.
•       The repository.
•       The retrieval point.

The input point: The application your documents come through to get inside a document management system.  DMS stores electronic versions of data so your documents must be converted into search-able forms such as PDF or be scanned. If these entering documents are already in electronic forms, then usually, DMS inserts them into monitored single or multiple folders.

Then, according to your specific needs, these documents then can be separated, put in groups, identified, catalogued and labeled. A scanning solution such as inFORM Decisions’ iCapture will facilitate this task:
-   Checking and controlling the folders of the documents (if contained)
-   Allowing PDF transferring process
-   Importing data from OCR, ICR, or OMR
-   Creating metadata
-   Moving your data into next stage of DMS

The repository, as you may guess, plays a roll as storing the data. Different types of data may require different types of storing sources. Normally, different document types are stored in separate folders for  security.  A backup plan for your data by creating an off-line storage is essential.

How can you retrieve your data? Proprietary systems? Open source solutions? These are both included along with your repository. Depending from your demand, you can choose from options ranging from  Microsoft  365 SharePoint, or the very secure IBM i using iView from  inFORM Decisions.

For further information, please visit http://www.informdecisions.com and send us your questions.

With the latest IBM i OS V7R3, IBM continues to open up the path to using Open Source with the IBM i.  What does this mean to IBM i developers?  It means that with 7.3, the ability to not only continue to stay on the platform is realized, but the opportunity for continual and uninterrupted growth as well as keeping the platform relevant is here.

Modern RPG: no longer will RPG have an 80 column restriction, thus opening and leveraging fully free format RPG.  Furthermore, when combined with storing source in the IFS, you have the opportunity to use a number of source tools directly.

PHP:  with 7.3, IBM is shipping an updated version of PHP plus IBM supports the latest versions of PHP out of the box.

GIT:  with 7.3, you get GIT runtime on the IBM i -another option for open source.  Leverage GIT to control your RPG projects.

Tools: with 7.3, there are basic tools that every developer needs, starting with .zip and .unzip by simply putting on the PTF.

And Much More...

With V7R3, IBM i continues to transform itself, by re-inventing pieces to insure that our platform can be successful today and into the future.

inFORM Decisions has been an IBM i (iSeries, AS/400, i5, Power Systems) native, Document Management and Workflow software development company since 1994.  Our business partners and customers are worldwide and lend testimony to the state of the art, stability of IFD solutions.

Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of IBM i products.
Recognition…we all want it, even your documents; however, when it comes to your documents there are specific ways to manage, recognize and extract the data within the docs to best support your business.  If you view your documents as media holding data you want to convert to useful and searchable information, then let’s talk about how forms processing can advance your organization.

·       ICR Survey and Forms Processing.
o   Forms Processing Software uses ICR, OCR, and OMR technology to interpret hand printed text or scanned images, recognize machine printed text and read human created marks on a scanned page. 
o   Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) is a technology that provides the ability to convert hand printed text to machine text from an image.  ICR engines are typically housed in document capture software or are an extension to OCR. ICR takes advantage of various algorithms and executes a more complex task.
o   OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, is the process of taking a scanned image and converting the words into text. OCR Software Solutions can provide automated data extraction, as well as supply searchable content.                                                      
o    Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) gives us the means to decipher a scanned page. These recognition engines typically focus on the contrast between unmarked and marked areas on the document. OMR engines are usually part of an overall recognition engine that includes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR).

Typical start to finish process :
o   Forms are readied for scanning by riding it of staples, creases, etc.
o   Documents are scanned using a high speed document scanner.
o   Scanned forms are recognized with ICR.
o   Recognized characters are assigned a confidence value and validation rules are employed to poll for valid results.
o    “Low confidence” characters and fields that fail validation are presented to the verification operators for manual review and correction.
o   Data is exported to the desired destination.

Benefits of ICR Survey and Form Processing.
o    Creates efficiency, improve productivity and eliminate manual processes. A modern imaging and OCR solution will radically cut the processing time of a document. Paper shuffling is banished and focus shifts to the areas that create success in your business.
o   Collects shareable data. The scanning and extracting of data with OCR makes that same data quickly and efficiently available in many places and systems. Everything becomes searchable.
o   Automates any document scanning process. Document storage, security, and retention can all be automated. Document management becomes almost uncomplicated.
o   Creates a paperless office. Imaging is a solution to negate the environmental impact of factors associated with paper document management such as fuel/energy consumption tied to paper production, procurement, transportation, document storage, etc.
o   Significantly enhances document security and privacy. Electronic documents allow stringent control of access plus the ability to completely audit any access to documents.
o   Reduces error rates with validation rules.
o   Integrates paper, tablet and web forms data collection.
o   Facilitates remote data entry.
o   Reduces Costs. In addition to lessening the burden on employee resources, save money in multiple areas: printing, copying, consumables, maintenance for office equipment, the cost of lost documents, and shipping, etc.                                                                         
Who Can Benefit?
o   Organizations that compile information on paper-based forms, surveys or applications.  
o    Organizations who need to parse collected data according the specific needs of different departments.  
o    Anyone interested in eliminating the manual process to facilitate improved productivity.
o   Those who want document capture to forge better efficiency, logical standardization and simple integration, leave more time for getting the job done, and take away the pain of scanning.  

Make forms processing work for you.
o   Invoices, purchase orders, contracts and receipts are produced on a daily basis; the file cabinets keep growing.  Take charge of documents before they take over.
o   inForm Decisions provides one of the industry’s most powerful scanning and capture solutions, iCapture.  It was conceived to drive the paperless office.
o   iCapture was built from the ground up to be your document capture engine.  Some of the key features include:
§  Integration with TWAIN and ISIS scanning hardware.
§  Powerful OCR capabilities for creating searchable documents.
§  Data extraction through OCR for invoice processing.
§  Integration with 60+ document management systems.
§  iCapture Use Cases:
o   HR Document Capture
o   AP Invoice Scanning
o   Contract Data Extraction
o   PO Scanning and Capture
o   Admin Document Scanning
o   Copier Document Routing
o   And much, much more ….

Click here to request a live customized product demonstration 

The IBM i (iSeries, i5, AS400, Power Systems) platform has been delivering valuable new business capabilities for many, many years.  As new generations enter the IT world, many have diverse backgrounds that lack specific knowledge of the ‘i’. New managers inherit legacy systems that they don’t always understand and may question the future of the IBM i.

IBM has made  it easier than ever to develop solutions on IBM i by making the most popular native language (RPG) capable of using some of the newest technologies (services, XML, etc.), They have also added new languages and improved the strategic development tools both in function as well as in platforms supported.  

The IBM i development team is currently working on the releases after 7.3 and will be delivering many new capabilities to the platform in the next several years. IBM has always listened to their solution vendors and will empower the technologies they see as important to them and their future.  IBM is committed to investing in the programming languages, environments and tools which will be needed to build the solutions.   

In the past several years, one of the key technologies we’ve needed to enable is mobile devices. There are now tools that make it easy to transform your 5250 green screens into stunning RPG, PHP and mobile applications by using your existing development skills and IBM i assets. We are seeing software vendors offering frameworks that make it easier for developers to create native applications specifically built so RPG apps can be extended to run natively on the iPad, and other mobile devices. These frameworks are not unique to RPG and exist for other programming languages as well.

 IBM i clients predominantly use their systems on site, but in line with evolving technology trends, many are considering cloud options for their everyday business applications.  In response, IBM has recently introduced new end-to-end solutions that better connect the IBM i to the cloud.  One of the key growth areas for the platform is when it’s used by software providers to provide Software as a Service, or Cloud-based solution.  Additionally IBM and its many partners are finding new ways to provide value to some of their clients by providing cloud services, whether it’s backup in a cloud or fully hosting customers.  IBM is dedicated to making the combination of IBM i and Power Systems as good in that cloud environment as they have always been if you own the box on site.

Simplified security and availability have been the hallmarks of this platform from the day it was created, and IBM is continually working to ensure they remain strengths making it one of the most reliable, secure and trusted platforms in the industry.

In association with committed software partners such as inFORM Decisions, which has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i - iSeries - AS/400 arena since 1994, we believe it is clear that the IBM i systems will be relevant for a long time offering the stability and security that you’ve come to expect from IBM i.  inFORM Decisions is committed to the IBM i iSeries AS/400 platform forever!

inFORM Decisions has been an IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) native, Document Management and Workflow software development company since 1994.  Our business partners and customers are worldwide and lend testimony to the state of the art, stability of IFD solutions.

Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of IBM i products.
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